gallery spotlight

Gallery Spotlight: November 2019

By Marisa Lerin Wed, 12/04/2019 - 00:00

Here are a few of my favorite layouts from the gallery this month:

By Rachel
▲ By Rachel

Gallery Spotlight: October 2019

By Marisa Lerin Wed, 11/06/2019 - 00:00

Here are a few of my favorite layouts from the gallery this month:

By Bina
▲ By Bina

Gallery Spotlight: September 2019

By Marisa Lerin Wed, 10/02/2019 - 00:00

Here are a few of my favorite layouts from the gallery this month:

By Lou
▲ By Lou

Gallery Spotlight: August 2019

By Marisa Lerin Wed, 09/04/2019 - 00:00

It's time to get back in the swing of things and share some of my recent favorites from the gallery.
It's been a busy summer, but that hasn't kept you all from making some stunning layouts!

by Kathy
▲ By Kathy

Gallery Spotlight: April 2019

By Marisa Lerin Thu, 05/02/2019 - 00:00

Sharing a few favorites from the gallery for April. I love seeing all the amazing layouts everyone makes every month. It's such a pleasure to look back through and see what everyone has made.

Gallery Spotlight: Hybrid April 2019

By Marisa Lerin Tue, 04/23/2019 - 00:00

It's been a while since I highlighted some of my favorite hybrid projects from the gallery. Hybrid crafting is quickly becoming my favorite afternoon activity, as it combines the versatility of digital with a bit of physical fun. So I love seeing what other people are making!

Gallery Spotlight: March 2019

By Marisa Lerin Wed, 04/03/2019 - 00:00

I love looking through the gallery at the end of the month and making this post. There are so many lovely layouts uploaded here every month. Please take a moment to take a look if you haven't lately and leave a comment for a few that you love! Here are just a couple of my favorites:

Gallery Spotlight: February 2019

By Marisa Lerin Wed, 03/06/2019 - 00:00

It was a busy month in the gallery as hosted our annual Winter Layout Madness in the forums. It's always fun to see all the people come out and get busy making layouts. If you joined us I hope you met your goal. Here are just a few of the layouts that caught my eye.
