travel journal

My April 2024 Digital Scrapbooking Update

By Marisa Lerin Wed, 05/15/2024 - 23:00

A little update about how my scrapbooking is going.

Digital Pocket Album
I'm thrilled to share that I'm embarking on my tenth year of creating a digital pocket album. It's become such an ingrained part of my routine that I hardly give it a second thought anymore—I simply keep moving forward. You can read about my digital pocket scrapping process here.

My February 2024 Digital Scrapbooking Update

By Marisa Lerin Wed, 03/20/2024 - 23:00

A little update about how my scrapbooking is going.

Digital Pocket Album
I'm thrilled to share that I'm embarking on my tenth year of creating a digital pocket album. It's become such an ingrained part of my routine that I hardly give it a second thought anymore—I simply keep moving forward. You can read about my digital pocket scrapping process here.

My January 2024 Digital Scrapbooking Update

By Marisa Lerin Wed, 02/21/2024 - 22:00

Digital Pocket Album
I'm thrilled to share that I'm embarking on my tenth year of creating a digital pocket album. It's become such an ingrained part of my routine that I hardly give it a second thought anymore—I simply keep moving forward. You can read about my digital pocket scrapping process here.

November & December 2023 Digital Scrapbooking Update

By Marisa Lerin Wed, 01/17/2024 - 22:00

As the year comes to a close, I'm proud to say that I've achieved a significant milestone in my 2023 goals. Reflecting on the year, it's really lovely to browse through my memory planner and weekly pocket pages, which capture all the experiences we've encountered. This year has been full, making it an ideal time for such memory-keeping endeavors. It's astonishing to think about where we started the year, and where we find ourselves now as it draws to an end.

October 2023 Digital Scrapbooking Update

By Marisa Lerin Wed, 12/20/2023 - 22:00

The end of the year is approaching and soon I'll be thinking about my scrapbooking plans for 2024. I never have time in December to think about the new year, but once January rolls around I'll be thinking about it. I'm guessing it won't differ too much from what I've done this year, I'm pretty happy with what I've been up to, but I'm sure I'll change a few things up. What are you thinking about for the new year? You can see my 2023 goals here.

Memory Planner

September 2023 Digital Scrapbooking Update

By Marisa Lerin Wed, 11/15/2023 - 22:00

I am feeling quite surprised that I have kept up with my daily scrapbooking for the entire year. I don't actually do it daily, I'll play catch up every couple of days. But it is really satisfying and fun to look back through the pages and see our year evolve. Especially a year like this with so much change. It's shocking to look back at the beginning of the year and see we were still living in Mexico! But even if you're not changing locations as frequently as we do, I think it can be surprising to see how much little things change throughout the year.

August 2023 Digital Scrapbooking Update

By Marisa Lerin Wed, 10/18/2023 - 23:00

After spending some time in Upstate New York, we are spending a couple weeks in the countryside of Quebec, enjoying the fall colors and cooler weather. It felt like summer when we got here and now it's definitely feeling more like winter. I had to buy the kids winter hats today! If you are Canadian could you tell me what you are doing with the milk in a bag? Is there an official pitcher we are supposed to have? And is there a trick for pouring it? We are loving being surrounded by French. Neither of us speak it, but it's fun to hear.

Digital Travel Journal: Oregon to Arizona

By Marisa Lerin Wed, 07/26/2023 - 23:00

I shared a while ago about my digital travel journal, and I'm still using it, so I thought I would post an update. The planner I'm using is from DPlanStudio. I do most of my scrapbooking in the Photoshop app on iPad.

My Digital Travel Journal

By Marisa Lerin Wed, 01/11/2023 - 22:00

In the past year I've been experimenting with Goodnotes on my iPad and seeing what kind of digital journals I can keep. One thing I've tried out is keeping a digital travel journal. Simpler than a scrapbook, I just add a few photos and bits and pieces as we're traveling.