My New Amorphous Goals

When the new year started, I knew I wanted to work on more daily life layouts and also that I wanted to stop being the world's worst journaler. What exactly I want this to look like is unclear, and how I'm going to accomplish it is also still unclear. I feel like there is something I'm reaching towards, but I'm not sure what it is. So, I've been steadily working towards this unidentifiable point by 1) making layouts using recent photos and 2) "journaling" lists in a notebook. I'm pleased that I've accomplished something, even though I still feel a bit like I'm working towards something in the dark.

Ironically, despite my lack of direction, I have much more motivation to work on layouts (I have a pretty extreme layout fever going on right now) than I do to work on any designing. I've more or less decided at this point to just give into the fever and hope that the layout making (particularly working with other designers work) will reinvigorate my own designing. So, while I'm in the amorphous region, you can expect from me lots of random design work and more layouts. In that vein, I've decided to face my fears and try a live event. Please come and help me figure this out.

And here are a few layouts I've made.







Recent Comments

Pichi Sockenbart
Pichi Sockenbart Mon, 07/06/2015 - 01:38

I like the black and white chevron. Looks good!

Marie Hargis
Marie Hargis Sun, 05/04/2014 - 23:37

I am loving these layouts, especially the one with the tea cup and the other with the paper coffee or tea. I am both a hot tea and coffee drinker, mostly because I love the taste and I prefer hot drinks to cold ones. Thank you so much for sharing your layouts with us here on your blog.

Meg Bertapelle
Meg Bertapelle Mon, 02/24/2014 - 09:48

love these!!! totally awesome :) keep 'em coming! :)

Jess Townsend
Jess Townsend Sun, 02/23/2014 - 04:58

Love the new layouts!

Mersija (Mer-see-ya) Simon
Mersija (Mer-see-ya) Simon Sat, 02/22/2014 - 08:08

I feel amorphous right know also,lol,i looked the word up cause i had no idea what it meant.At first i thought,maybe it has to do with the atmosphere,lol,and then i thought Marisa made up a new word.hehehehehe
I guess only smart people use this word,i'll most likely forget it asap and never use it in my vocabulary,hehehehehe,buuuut,if i ever see it again,i'll think about you.
I really wish i could get inspired and make layouts,i just have soooooo much going on that's one of my least important things to do right know.I also need improvement in journaling Marisa.

Eve Care
Eve Care Sat, 02/22/2014 - 03:17

I'd really like to get some layouts posted however I'm still so new to the digi scrapbooking (even though I have been working with graphics for awhile now) that I'm still on a learning curve and it takes me awhile to do just 1 layout. The challenges seem to really spark the creativity within me though and it helps get my initiative in gear, so I'm hoping to post more soon. Thank you for all the inspiration, maybe daily Life is something I could give a whirl! :)

Catherine Nonaka
Catherine Nonaka Fri, 02/21/2014 - 16:32

I'm a bit in the same boat at the moment... would rather make pages than design anything! Love your layouts!! And thanks for teaching me a new word, I just had to go look up amorphous, lol.

Kathy Tate Reynolds
Kathy Tate Reynolds Fri, 02/21/2014 - 13:11

These are great layouts! Let the fever BURN! *heart*