30 Days of Christmas: Day 3

By Marisa Lerin Mon, 12/03/2012 - 00:15


I've posted my Merry & Bright Christmas kits from last year, and also I'll be adding a few things to the assets over the next couple of days that I didn't upload last year. There's a few more alphas to come as well.

Merry & Bright Insp Merry & Bright Insp

Merry & Bright Insp Merry & Bright Insp

30 Days of Christmas

Today's freebie is a set of fastenings. Enjoy!

Click on the image below to download. This link will expire on Dec 5, 3pm GMT +3.
Day 3

30 Days of Christmas: Day 2

By Marisa Lerin Sun, 12/02/2012 - 00:59

30 Days of Christmas

Yesterday Jordan and I were working furiously when we got a phone call from a friend reminding us that we had bought tickets to a comedy show! So off we went. It was the first comedy show I had ever been to and it was mostly in Arabic, which I don't speak, so it was an interesting time. An acquaintance was performing (in English) so we went to support him (he writes a column about life in the Middle East which you can view here.) There are worse things than spending the evening among people who are laughing, even if you're not quite sure what's so funny.

Today on the agenda we have a little shopping. I only have one pair of pants, so I'm hoping to maybe at least double that. And also we have a little Christmas shopping to do. And Jordan's birthday is in just a couple of days...

Today's freebie is a set of papers from a kit that never fully actualized. Enjoy!

Click on the image below to download. This link will expire on Dec 4, 3pm GMT +3.
Day 2
