Totem Poles in Stanley Park

Totem Poles in Stanley Park

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Recent Comments

Janice Myers
Janice Myers Mon, 09/29/2014 - 09:47

Haven't been to see the totems ... yet! I'm hoping to get some good photos of Alaskan totems when we visit there next year. I'm going to keep this layout in mind for when I scrap mine.

Ania Archer
Ania Archer Sat, 04/05/2014 - 13:26

@Tracy it is amazing to find yourself in a place like this. I'm Polish and I had never seen native americans art or in this case first nation art and I'm just amazed by it. It is an wonderful feeling to experience world this way.

Tracy King
Tracy King Fri, 04/04/2014 - 10:09

Sweet! I wish I could travel to see the totem poles!