Alter Ego

Alter Ego

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Recent Comments

Julie Cowan
Julie Cowan Wed, 07/02/2014 - 19:29

Great contrast and journaling. Good storytelling!

Kate Karaula
Kate Karaula Wed, 07/02/2014 - 00:03

Yes, Kaleena. Elouise was visiting an art gallery. Kate was at a party at a winery dancing as the sun went down (and getting very sunburnt... which Elouise would NEVER do... she wears SPF70+)!

Marie Hargis
Marie Hargis Tue, 07/01/2014 - 23:32

Wonderful layout! Thanks for sharing.

Donna Bell
Donna Bell Tue, 07/01/2014 - 20:30

Very amusing, get layout!

Kaleena Farmer
Kaleena Farmer Tue, 07/01/2014 - 07:39

hehe I love how poised and proper Elouise is in contrast to the photo of Kate! I also really like the way you used all the ribbons. Such a fun page and great idea.