Family Photo Shoot (DDP6)

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Linda2 Dlr
Linda2 Dlr Wed, 12/09/2020 - 17:23

AMarie makes her own templates as well - I've used several of those as well.

Also, another time-saving thing for me is that I start with a single kit for papers and elements. Only when I can't find something that fits the layout do I venture out to other kits. But sticking with the same kit ensures that the color tones all match in the papers and elements. :-)

Dianne Burke
Dianne Burke Wed, 12/09/2020 - 11:26

OH, and AMarie is one of my faves here :)

Dianne Burke
Dianne Burke Wed, 12/09/2020 - 11:26

It helps very much! Thank you!! I'm going to try to do templates more often. I am using some for my wedding albulm... I know what you mean by saving a lot of time. I'm going to do a search now... lol

Linda2 Dlr
Linda2 Dlr Wed, 12/09/2020 - 11:17

Thanks, Dianne!

hahaha Layout templates - I believe that's the key. I've never finished layouts so quickly until now. Back in the day, I felt I had to design layouts from scratch, otherwise, I was cheating. hahaha I have completely let go of that notion because I just need to finish layouts and get stuff done. Don't get me wrong, I definitely create some layouts from scratch, like this one, but most are from layout templates. And I'll often modify the templates before I use them, to fit my photos. Lately, I've started using just the backgrounds from a layout template (not the photo spots) and place the photos as I wish. I also use only those photos I deem significant...I used to feel like I had to scrap every photo for every event, unless they were bad. It could be 1 to 20 photos. Just depends. Think I've gotten pickier, though. hahaha

To be honest, the one that helped me change my thinking was AMarie_Charp. I admired her work and couldn't believe how many layouts she would upload...and realized she was using layout templates for many of them. So, I let go of my old notions of scrapbooking from scratch and started looking for templates that suited my style. Most of them are by Marisa. Hope this helps!

Dianne Burke
Dianne Burke Wed, 12/09/2020 - 10:56

Nice! How do you do your layouts so FAST? I've been working on a baby book for a year and only have a dozen