Laughter is the Sun

Laughter is the Sun

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Recent Comments

Mary Cox
Mary Cox Mon, 06/03/2024 - 14:01

Thank you Jill. I enjoy playing with blending.

Jill French
Jill French Mon, 06/03/2024 - 00:00

Beautiful page, Mary.

Mary Cox
Mary Cox Thu, 05/16/2024 - 12:39

Thank you Doska. Hope you can continue to enjoy carefree laughter xoxo

Doska St.
Doska St. Thu, 05/16/2024 - 00:53

Great LO, Mary! I was only able to have such a beautiful and carefree laugh again at a family celebration two weeks ago...

Becky Bee
Becky Bee Wed, 05/15/2024 - 02:18

But Mary, you need to make some lovely stuff for us too...😉💕

Mary Cox
Mary Cox Wed, 05/15/2024 - 02:13

Thank you Becky. Yes I created them with AI

Becky Bee
Becky Bee Wed, 05/15/2024 - 00:20

Beautiful Mary.....Did you create the laughing faces? They are amazing!!!