Photoshop Tutorial Table of Contents

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Thank you so much! I look forward to learning all these great things.

thank you, just what i needed smiley

Thank you for all of these wonderful tutorials! I'm using PSP X6 so am having to alter most of the tutorials for my program, but still getting the gist of how to do things. What a great help!


I'm new to the site, and also to Scrapbooking.
I do however make my own jewelry, and that's how I found this site.
This topic is very helpful for somebody who would like to explore scrapbooking, but has no idea on where to start or which program to use?!

I'll check out some tutorials, but maybe some questions will follow...

Thanks !

Welcome Kim!

Welcome Kim!! let us know if you have any questions, everyone here is so helpful!!

Thanks for sharing

thank you

Thanks!!! It helped a lot

As I am new this looks like a great spot to spend some time and learn.

Are there tutorials using Photoshop Elements?....
Thanks Nita

These tutorials use different versions of Photoshop.

Okay... thanks for getting back to me

Hi Marisa, I saw the tutorial on quick pages but that's only adding 1 photo. How do you add three when the blank squares overlap? AN example would be your marisaL-quick-page-set011-01. When I added my photos to it they overlap and I can't figure out what to use to cut them to the shape needed. I am using photoshop if that helps smiley

Hi Erika, I would use the shape tool to create a rectangle for the smaller photo's, put it under the QP layer and then clip the photo to it. The bigger photo should be the bottom layer in your layers panel, so no clipping mask needed. With this method you can resize your photo even after you clipped it.

Another way to do it: make the QP layer your active layer, use the magic wand and click in the empty space where you want to add your photo, you will see the marching ants, now make the photo layer active and add a mask to your photo, and the photo will only show within the frame. click CTRL+D to deselect. With this method however, make sure your photo is already resized before you use the quick selection tool.

I you do not know where these tools are, this tutorial will help:

I hope this helps!

Thank you so much! I will try this smiley

thanks, this will be helpful!

Thank you for these tutorials

Thanks for sharing such informative resources.These are very helpful in many aspects especially for designers like me which are on early stage of learning.I love to make designs of vinyl banners NY and these tools are perfect for me smiley

Nothing for PSE?

Thank you for this list! It will make it easier to find what I need to learn!!!!

Great Tutorials!!!!I have learned a lot! I still have several to watch still.

Thank you for thinking about us creative people who just want to enjoy there crafting. Love your images and paper, kits. Also what photo shop program is compatable with your images? Like Adobe photoshop?

Will these tutorials work with Photo Shop Elements?

@Peggy: Some of them will.

Tutorial request: Does anyone know how to make a layered pattern using offset but keeping the layers individually?

Megan, if you're talking about using the offset filter in Photoshop to make patterns manually, it's technically doable, but it's going to be tedious. The offset filter will offset whichever layer you're working on and only that layer, so you're going to have to apply the same filter transformation to each layer before you continue working on your pattern. The more layers you have, the longer it will take to shift each one using the filter, but it is actually doable.

Awesome list of tuts..will check them out smiley

Well, I did say in my intro I was looking for a program. This one sounds wonderful and I will be looking into it so I can get my feet wet. Thank you so much for all the information and tutorials you have provided. What a godsend.

Thank you
