June 2024 Blog Train - Working

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June 2024 Blog Train - Working

I know I said we would vote on June, but things have gotten away from me! I will put up a vote for something in the future.

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Lovely colors!

@Robin and Diane... what lovely kits you have both made! So different, but equally beautiful!

Yes, they are!

My contribution:

Since my granddaughter loves mermaids, I went with a mermaid kit.

Those papers are gorgeous, AMarie! It's so awesome to see you designing now. I say that because your layouts and the clusters you make for Jessica are always amazing.

Robin: I love those little flairs/brads. Adorable!

Diane: Such a cute and fun kit. Did you draw the painting elements yourself?

Sonia: Gorgeous! Love how the palm tree resembles jewelry.

Thanks a lot Christina. Actually I'm used to design for a while, but not regularly.

You're quite welcome! Looking forward to seeing more of your designs. smiley

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