Should AI-Generated Designs Be Clearly Labeled?

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Someday is sadly already here. The image download sites are rife these days with AI and computer generated images.

Aside from the fact that the people who give these machines "instructions" are not actually designers in the true sense of the word (they are more like computer programmers!), the actual images they generate, are very generic looking, and often very poor quality as other images have been spliced to make new ones.

Oh definitely! I love when actual human thought goes into making scrapbook stuff! There is NO replacing human creativity! In fact, the more something is created by A.I., the less likely I will buy it!

I also think it should be labled AI generated.

I would appreciate transparency when it comes to AI.

Yes, please! There's so much controversy surrounding AI-generated images, especially concerning the use of artists' works - potentially without their permission - that right now helping people be informed about the images they use seems like a good idea.

I believe it should be marked. I have seen some incredible work produced with AI; it's like working with all the tools within PS, Illustrator and other programs. The designers spend lots of time learning these programs to advance their designs. AI is a starting point; designers must know the keywords and how to fine-tune the original designs. I agree with many of Manu's points and that eventually with smarter programs it will be hard to tell the difference. There are many tools available for artists, creators, designers, and photographers. I think this is just another one.

I think it should be marked. I don't mind it being used but would like to know.

As it's your business, the choice should be yours, but I think it would be useful to many people to know the difference.
Thank you for your fabulous website and all of its generous offerings.

Yes, I would like AI generations identified as such. I see some talking about how AI is trained by using content taken from the web and how, under U.S. law anyway, such content cannot be copyrighted. Another point to the conversation is that the prompt result may not be unique and the AI program may generate the very same result for other people. Personally, I do not care for the look of most AI generated images, so yes, full disclosure please.

Even though AI art still needs creativity to generate it I think it's important to label items clearly as AI-generated and AI-assisted designs. To me the difference is the person that draws/paints/creates a piece of work is an artist and someone using AI is a creative designer. They each have a place, but consumers should know what they are purchasing.



Most definitely!

Yes it should be marked as AI clearly. There should also be a way to exclude AI from searches.

It should be marked.

I'm not fond of AI. I find many who use AI-generating software create fake-looking images. They might look great, or clever, yet, to me, they don't look real.

@Daniela - calling designers as "con artists" is rather cheap, narrow-minded and rigid in your thinking just because ai has affected your daughter's work or whatever;

Again, marking an item as 'ai generated' is 100% fine, and of course everyone is entitled to know what they are buying or downloading;

People who are objecting to ai art because the original artists are not compensated and given credit, just don't buy or download ai generated graphics as there's no solution at present for it;

Personally speaking, I only upload to the Commons as it's just a hobby and I love creating with ANYTHING, USING ANY TOOLS AVAILABLE, and I love it just for the immense pleasure it gives me, and for the fun of it; and I haven't yet uploaded that many ai graphics but CERTAINLY am planning to do so in the near future; So, if those whose "artistic feelings" are bruised at 'seeing' ai items I upload, PLEASE DON'T DOWNLOAD, and save yourselves the trauma of downloading anything from unknown origins;

Those who are calling for a complete ban of ai art on this site, you must be joking, and have no right, just because you are a subscriber or are buying stuff from here, it's taking things too far, and an insult to DS and Marisa and Jordan,.... this website is their baby, their dream, and since it's clear you have NOT read DS's MANIFESTO, PLEASE DO SO AT THE FIRST OPPORTUNITY;

Those who are threatening to leave, well...what to's up to you, but it affects what Marisa and Jordan are trying to do here, it's clear you have not understood them, and no one's the loser; same for those who have said they don't buy ai art, it's YOUR RIGHT what you want to buy, but you know it's no loss to Etsy or any websites that sell this art, right?

We can have an option to mark items as "ai generated" when we upload items, just like the options of naming 'Colors' and 'Tags' when we upload something.

It should be marked.

Most of the AI photo generators have in their terms that you can sell your designs generated from their application but you have to label it as being created with AI - so I would say it’s a good idea to label anything that is mostly AI if it’s for sale.

If we’re talking about personal art/scrapbook pages that aren’t for sale I don’t have a strong opinion.

Yes it should be labelled and the same should be indexed too . If one is looking for hand / computer art , it should be possible to get results only for those. Whereas if one is looking for AI, they should be able to access it

I think they should be labeled. Sorry I haven't been on or creating lately. Between work, gardening, grandkids and funerals, I just can't generate enough energy to create anything. I was lucky to get some time here.

Yes, definately

Yes, they should be labeled. While an AI image does take some work on the part of the poster, it is not the art of the poster and should be labeled as such. I have noticed that AI images are taking over the commons and have stopped going there because I object to AI images being the only thing there. (I can recognize the style of AI images. Computers are not creative and therefore all their images look similar.)

Like all things around us stuff changes. So will AI, it too will become "better or worse" depending how you see it.

Like the food we eat.
There was a time if you wanted orange anything, you had to have an actual orange. Then it was died, extracted,, now we eat chemicals and do not know it until we read the label.
People have different opinions about that, from don't want to know to only consuming what they think is organic. Even organic has its own scale from one side to the other.

That is most likely what will happen with AI. In some the Artificial of it can be seen a mile off up to am I seeing what I think I am seeing...

As far as using AI images, I am not opposed to it. I want to use images I like.

BUT for me, I want to know if AI was used in any way. I want to know what is real and what is artificial. Like with flowers too.
I think it would be nice if there can be a description included indicating the type or "quantity" (?) involved.

Yes please I want to be informed if Al is used. The Artists on this site deserve this.

I think AI products are so perfect, most of the time, they can be seen to be produced by computer. However, I use Photoshop, as a hobby, and have manipulated a few things to my liking, not always perfect though. It's a very complex decision, and I'm sure will become even more contentious in the future. It's fun to ask Photoshop to make an image, is it wrong, to have fun? Looking at it another way, should it be labeled as AI if selling it? If it's an image I like, I would buy it, whether labeled or not. Good luck on making the decision.

Yes, AI designs should be clearly labeled as such.

Well, as a photographer I use AI to create photo quality items that I cut out and use with my own images. Photomanipulation is a fun creative outlet for me and the items I create in AI are things I cannot photograph. For example, I took a shot of a log in front of a log cabin and filled the hole with photorealistic mice having a fancy birthday party in order to create a digital greeting card for The Nature Conservancy.

While I can spot AI work pretty easily now, it doesn't always appeal to me. And I know that creating photo realistic items with AI can be quite challenging--it is rarely one written prompt and done to get the result I want. Anyway, I would prefer AI items be marked, but I don't really think it matters that much either way.

The use of AI is not yet very well defined, we do not yet know what we can do with its images, only PU or also CU??? We don't really know, I prefer to avoid it as much as possible, even if I find it very pretty!
So I also prefer this to be properly labeled as AI!


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