Sept 2020 LC - Scripture

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Sept 2020 LC - Scripture

Welcome to the September 2020 Scripture Challenge.

Please use a scripture about food in your layout and share your layout here and in the gallery.
is a tutorial on how to do that.

Please use a scripture from the Holy Bible or any other holy book and cite your verse. Please cite!

I picked this scripture from 2 Corinthians 9:10
Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.

The Details

  1. Challenge ends when September does.
  2. Be sure to post your layout in this month's completion thread if you would like to earn download credits. More details here.
  3. You must tag your layouts with these two tags: sept 2020 scripture, sept 2020 layout challenge
  4. See entered layouts here.
  5. See updated rules here.

What would Jesus eat?

Robynne: such a great idea, what did folks eat back then?
Personally I have been figuring JC as someone who was a bit into fishcakes (feeding the hungry multitude, what really would anyone do with fish and bread in that heat other than make fishcake?) maybe because I could eat them for the rest of my life... never thought he might have liked sweets like fig cake but then again why would he not have had anything for dessert?

Lisa: Gorgeous, so elegant and what a beautiful scripture.

sept 2020 scripture, sept 2020 layout challenge

gallery link

I'd like to thank Robin Sampson for making this one very easy for me with her Delish mini-kit. smiley

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