poki Sawyer's Gallery

  1. Bountiful Harvest...6scr
  2. Autumn leaves don't fall, they fly!...6scr
  3. Meet me in the Pumpkin Patch...6scr
  4. Thankful for eyes to see God's painted sky...6scr
  1. spring color...6scr
  2. butterflies in the neighborhood...6scr
  3. love these BOYS...9billie
  4. Life is Beautiful!...5wd
  1. FAMILY TIME is FUN TIME...5wd
  2. Goodbye Summer- b...6scr
  3. Blazing Autumn...6scr
  4. Plentiful lunch in the garden!...6scr
  1. Garden Beauty
  2. Dallas Arboretum-b...6scr
  3. Farm Fun...6scr
  4. PEACE is seeing a SUNSET...5wd
  1. Pumpkins, Pumpkins, Pumpkins, everywhere...6scr
  2. Splendid Autumn2...7adb
  3. Lost Maples...3cpjess
  4. Autumn Splendor2...3cpjess
  1. PHOTOGRAPHY takes an instant out of time... 6scr
  2. October Days...6scr
  3. Happiness is seeing a sunset...6scr
  4. Hello March...6scr
  1. Bliss...6scr
  2. We love to travel together...5wd
  3. Autumn Splendor...6scr
  4. New Year's Eve 2003...6scr
  1. 2023...6scr
  2. Goodbye 2022, Hello 2023...7adb
  3. Charlotte-Genessee Lighthouse, Rochester, New York...3cpjess
  4. FAIRY HOUSES...4billie
  1. Charlotte-Genessee Lighthouse...3cpjess
  2. It's PUMKIN TIME...6scr
  3. Autumn is my favorite color...6scr
  4. PEACE is seeing s SUNSET...7adb
  1. Welcome Fall...6scr
  2. 2 Cute 2 Spook...6scr
  3. Autumn Bliss...scr
  4. Gorious Morning Light...4billie
