poki Sawyer's Gallery

  1. One magic SPRING DAY...7adb
  2. butterflies in the neighborhood...6scr
  3. The Sweet Taste of Spring...3cpjess
  4. HAPPINESS is "catching" butterflies...5wd
  1. AUTUMN ROYALTY-b...6scr
  2. 100s of BUTTERFLIES on one tree...6scr
  3. Rocky Mountain Butterflies...5wd
  4. Early Spring Visitors...5wd
  1. Spring Visitors...7adb
  2. Monarch Butterflies migrating South...6scr
  3. Garden Beauty...7adb
  4. ..in my neighborhood...5wd
  1. Garden Beauty
  2. Nature's Ballet-B...5wd
  3. Heading South for the Winter...6scr
  4. Flying Flowers...5wd
  1. BEAUTY Fall...6scr
  2. "Chasing" butterflies...5wd
  3. The Sweet Taste of Spring... 3cpjess
  4. Just living is not enough.. 5wd
  1. Heading south...5wd
  2. It's beginning to look like Spring.. 5wd
  3. Early Spring Visitors... 5wd
  4. October Days...6scr
  1. Springtime in the Garden...6scr
  2. Nature's Ballet...5wd
  3. delicate BEAUTY...3cpjess
  4. Happiness is "catching" butterfllies- 2...7adb
  1. Bliss...6scr
  2. Beauty in the garden...6scr
  3. Nature's Ballet...6scr
  4. Queen in the garden...6scr
  1. Happiness...is "catching" butterfles!...5wd
  2. ...miracles happen every day!...5wd
  3. Nature does not hurry...6scr
  4. Autumn in the garden...7adb